Wednesday, 8 December 2021

Why Your Kids Dental Issues Need A Boca Raton Orthodontist

When it comes to dental issues in children, the earlier you take them to see an orthodontist, the better. As per recommendations from The American Association Of Orthodontists, children should have their first orthodontic consultation by the age of seven. 

Early examination by a Boca Raton orthodontist can detect minor issues that might have the potential to grow into something bigger, requiring extensive treatment later on.

This blog looks at three dental health problems that a Boca Raton Orthodontist can treat.

1 – Thumb-sucking

Thumb-sucking habits develop in kids at the age of seven or later. Prolonged thumb sucking can lead to kids needing braces at a young age. 

Thumb sucking habits need to be corrected immediately to avoid severe jaw and tooth alignment problems.

Custom-made thumb sucking appliances comfortably prevent thumb placement in the mouth and can effectively treat persistent thumb-sucking habits. 

2 – Crossbites

A crossbite is another important reason why kids need braces. Crossbites happen due to the jaw straying to one side with an improper alignment between the upper set and lower set of teeth, from left to right or front to back.

Crossbites can cause damaged and chipped teeth, jaw pain and irregular growth of the jaws. 

3 – Lisp

Lisp is a speech impediment that is caused by overbite. An overbite occurs when the upper teeth overlap the bottom teeth to a high degree.     

Gaps in the teeth could also cause lisp in children. Braces can eliminate the problem and improve the kids’ speech. 

In conclusion, dental issues in kids can be treated much better and without developing into major conditions if caught early. A Boca Raton Orthodontist can help with early dental problems. 

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